

At Agrocommercial by Liotis, the quality of the products we offer is embedded in our value chain and our suppliers are key stakeholders. We have expanded our geographical presence in many parts of the world and one of our primary goals is to create strategic alliances with our suppliers, based on excellent quality. We have established long-term relationships with suppliers in countries such as Spain, South Africa, Italy, the Netherlands and China. At the same time, we choose to support Greek producers from all the regions of our country.

The quality of goods, the existence of certifications, the observance of all the required specifications and consistency in quality, availability and delivery times, are minimum conditions for any cooperation. Along these pillars, we have created strong cooperative ties, which provide the guarantees for joint efforts to ensure the quality of our goods.

The cooperation with our suppliers not only ensures that we maintain our competitiveness by getting the best possible prices for the highest quality, but also that we achieve our company’s goals, such as high quality service, ensuring the required quantities and meeting deadlines delivery.

In this context, our primary concern is to improve these partnerships, through the harmonization of goals and expectations. Going forward, we will continue to work with a customer focus, so we are re-evaluating our suppliers and pursuing the development of our partner network.